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Daniel crying ...

The Ultimate Caption Contest

Daniel crying ...
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130 captions have been posted for this image so far ...
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 writes: But mommy, I wanted MASTERPEICE Otpimus Prime, not cybeverse warrior class!
trailbreaker writes: Daniel watches The Last Knight.
Rainmaker writes: I DON'T WANNA BE A KISS PLAYER
Optimum Supreme writes: Someone just told Daniel that Megatron killed Santa Claus.
lonrac writes: I don't Wanna be here after Sari......
trailbreaker writes: "I need to find a bathroom !!"
peacethroughtyranny writes: RAPE: It colud happen to you at any age
Evil Eye writes: As much as everyone hates Daniel, you really don't want to see just what's making him cry.
Godzillabot Primal writes: Cerebros: Look, the fan community hates you. You've got to die!

Daniel: But I don't wanna die!

Cerebros: Too bad.
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TF2 writes: Autobot:Shut up you little brat!
darth_paul writes: No Wheeljack I don't wanna be a Headmaster even if it is with Arcee! I saw what you did to dad in that Autobot Spike episode!
tian17 writes: Goddamit! Optimus, you didnt tell me there were child molesters on Cybertron!
Shadow of Lio Convoy writes: Is it possibe 4 u 2 shut da F**K up 4 10 mintes
snavej writes: Sob! I wanted a RED space suit!
Starscream: *to Soundwave* "Whaddaya mean, 'they don't have volume controls'!?!"
snavej writes: Daniel: But I don't wanna go on any shuttle called Challenger or Columbia!

Autobot: Don't worry, we called this one 'Apollo 13'.
snavej writes: Autobot: Shut the fudge up; you're going into space with us whether you like it or not!

Arcee: Oh, my shon, be quiet!
Michael9R writes: uf how can I change that daipers
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GraveWaver writes: Who wants to squash him?

Arcee: ME!
Unknown writes: "I WANT MY BOOBIES!!!!!"
trailbreaker writes: Every TF fan's throw Daniel into the FLAMING PIT OF LAVA!!
Unknown writes: It CAN'T be true! I refuse to believe that there's EVEN MORE ANNOYING children than me in every Transformers cartoon following Beast Machines! NOOOOOOO! WHY DO THERE ALWAYS HAVE TO BE STUPID KIDS?!?!?!
Demonic Femme writes: Robot, "AWWW- DAMN IT!!! SHUT UP!!!
Starscream (off screen), "Would you shut that STUPID flesh-ceature up!!!
Robot, "He doesn't have a volume button!!!
Starscream, "MEH!!!" *blasts Daniel into bloody spot*

Towline writes: We're snowed in the school? And we have to celebrate Christmas in school? NOOOO!
Marv writes: Please stop making all that noice kid! You;re annoy enough as it is! And what's that SMELL!!!?
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Zeedust writes: Springer: "I have just one thing to say to whoever made Daniel cry like this..."

Arcee: "And that would be?"

Springer: "'The road to hell is paved with good intentions.'"

Arcee: "I give up..."
Kal-Seth writes: Optimus: BEHOLD the ultimate weapon with this we can defeat the decepticons and conquer err i mean save the universe
Zeedust writes: Will SOMEONE find a soundproof booth to shove im in?
Unknown writes: SOUNDWAVE: "Cries and screams are music to my audio receptors... but you are totally starting to push your luck, kid!!"
Shadow Fox writes: But daniel, you made a huge boo boo, I have to change your spacesuit, if I were a human the smell would have knocked me out by now!!
gir writes: waaaaahhhhh why's my head so friggen BIG!
SilverStar writes: Jazz: Hey where is the switch turn him off?
Hot Rod off screan: I don't know, I wish human kids came with instructions sometimes.
Ultra Magnus off Screan: Like you Hot Rod?
Hot Rod: GRRR
Jazz laughs hardly
Danil is still whining.
Unknown writes: Daniel: Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! Arceeeeee! you said we'd do that after dinner!
Arcee: Alright, hold on. Hot Rod's had his, and next, springer gets his. You can have yours after,OK?
Neko writes: I like this pics, and daniel, so I ain't say'n nothin'!
Unknown writes: WWWAAAAHHHH! WE ran out of choclate milk!!!!
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star_sabre86 writes: Daniel: NOOOOOOOOO IIIIII WAANNNTTT AAARRRRRCCCCCEEEEE. Robot: dammit shut up or I'll make sure Arcee never comes back t pick you up from day-care
Unknown writes: Daniel: Give my football back you evil robot.
robot: Buy your own, stupid kid.
Bruticus writes: Daniel: "It's not true! You're just saying that because you're jealous!"
Kup: "I'm not jealous at all, Daniel, but Six Shot really IS a pedophile, and you can't play with him anymor
Unknown writes: I like that one too because Daniel is a baby.
Unknown writes: AAAAH! My head isn't supposed to twist around like this, now it's on backwards! Lousy Autobots!
Beast Simpson writes: Sideways: I SWEAR I'LL DROP YOU IF YOU DONT SHUT UP!!
Heather Prime writes: hey sideway... i hear sound to denial crying want for my face silly like cartoon.....
sideways writes: i hate my dub voice wwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
Daniel writes: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i want new episodes of headmasters waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Unknown writes: Daniel: WAAAHHHHHHH I just found out my Armada character is a whining BI*CH Hotrod: uhh daniel...
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Unknown writes: Daniel: Waaaaaahhhhhh! I can't believe they cancelled Family Guy!
Unknown writes: When Daniel finds out that more people like Wheelie than they like him.
Unknown writes: That's it!!! We had it with you Daniel, where sending you on a one-way trip to the Neverland Ranch to live with Micheal Jackson.
Daniel-"NOOOOOOOO!!! I'll be good, I'll be good!!!"
Unknown writes: "I'm the most hated TF character EVER? I had no idea!"
Starscream K'dash writes: Cerebros: STOP YOUR WHINING!! You're Worse than that Prissy Amuro!
*Bitch-Slapps Daniel's head clean off*
Shadow writes: Daniel: Arcee! Whyyyy! What's Springer got that ain't got?!
Arcee: Ask me again when you get a little older, 'kay?
Daniel: Nooooooooooooo!
z writes: Daniel: I don't care if she's a robot, Arcee's hot!!! I want her! Hot Rod doesn't deserve her!
Manchester Devil writes: Daniel: Why can't I listening to Westlife?
Cerberos: Simple Danny, they're sh*te!!
Unknown writes: A pony dammit I told you I wanted a pony!!!!!
gabriel writes: Why doesn't My Headmaster Exo Robot
look like the others?
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frank writes: Daniel -- "What do you mean, I was voted the most annoying character in the TF series?"
Unknown writes: Daniel: "No! Don't leave me intestinal gas! Please! Don't go!! I thought you loved me!!"
Cerebros: "Oh god! SHUT UP!!" *Chucks Daniel out the airlock*
Sledge writes: "I'm the biggest crybaby in the world!"
Unknown writes: Do not Produce tears, It lowers your tenderness as im going to EAT you MUHAHAHAHHAHAHAHH!
gabriel writes: I Want Grand Maximus!
Unknown writes: Angel: What did you do? Nightpaw: I screwed up his hair and his girlfriend dumped him. Angel: Who's her NEW boyfriend? Nightpaw: His dad. Angel: CREEPY!!
DrSpengler writes: Fortress: Hey, Chromedome, make a wish...
Unknown writes: I want to have the reissue Megatron!!
Unknown writes: C:ok next time ill use more lube sorry daniel.D:daddy why didnt you stop cerebros?S:the groinal attachment stopped me.
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Unknown writes: The zipper caught the frank and the beans!
Unknown writes: Waaaaaaah! Ravage pooed in my sandbooooooox! >0
Unknown writes: Daniel: Put me down u big ponce!
Unknown writes: Daniel: Put me down!
iron hide writes: narator: oh waah
Unknown writes: Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, going down the garden to eat worms!
Unknown writes: Nobody loves me, everybody hates, going down the garden to eat worms!
Unknown writes: Goochy Goochy goo..
Unknown writes: I want my Cheesy-poofs!
Unknown writes: Daniel: "I hate my life!!" Every Tranformer fan on Earth: "Well we all hate your life to too, so please end it Cerebros!" Cerebros: "With pleasure!" SNAP!!
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Unknown writes: Cerebros: Come on, Daniel. You know Arcee needs privacy when shes... ummm... TALKING to Springer... OR Hot Rod...OR me... OR any of the other headmasters... OR your dad... OR your mom... OR both of your parents at once... ya know, come to think of it, yo
Unknown writes: I WANT TO DRIVE OPTIMUS!!!!!!!!!
Unknown writes: You broke my optimus prime toy?!! why lord?! Whyyyyyy!!!
No not the nappy...not again!!!
Unknown writes: I've always wanted to see what'd happen if you put a human in the Microwave....Oh quit whining Daniel it'll only hurt for a second
FortMax writes: Fortress Maximus, this weak bowelled toddler requires assistance
Silverwolf writes: Cyclonus: So, just how many humans can you stick up your nose, Galvatron?
Unknown writes: Hey, we can relax guys! I found a test for our new artificial dicks...
Unknown writes: I want my Daddy! ;)
Stelartron writes: Why won't they put G1 back on the air? Why?! WHY?!?!?! *sob-sob*
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Unknown writes: Daniel: Whaaa!!! I'm gonna get you....i'm gonna get you!!!
Unknown writes: TF: Hey guys! Check out this new stretch armstrong I got myself. Daniel: Oh s£!t
Unknown writes: All the Trans Fans hate me and want me off the show for ternity.....whaaaa!!!!
Unknown writes: I have an itch and can't scratch!
Unknown writes: DANIEL:I promise not to bad-mouth when I'm dating ARCEE.NOW LET ME GO!
Unknown writes: OK..OK I admit it!!! I still wet the bed!!
Unknown writes: Bot: Ahhhh, scrap. Hey, Arcee, the kid's cr@ped himself again! What do I do know?

Arcee: Toss him out the Slagging airlock for all I care, lousy brat.
Unknown writes: I WANNA BE A DECEPTICON!!!!
Unknown writes: I Was In the entire Movie and I didn't Swear, It's not fare!! why won't they make another movie!! I want to swear, Ceibro: that's it Out the air lock, now they can make another movie, I mean swearing while I'm
Unknown writes: Bot: hey! Maybe this is a Squeek toy for dogs! *grins* Now...where's Bruticus? (Note: it's that Three headed mutt in the RiD Package. ;))
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Flamemaster Galvatron writes: Daniel: "Why won't anyone nominate me as COTM?!"
Master Hound X writes: Daniel: Why did they have to kill wheelie, WHY!!!

Cerberous: The same reason we have to kill you...uh I mean it just happend that way, yeah now lets go take you back to your room. Yeah thats it whee you'll least suspect it... :Daniel looks up:
Master Hound X writes: Why did they have to kill wheelie, WHY!!!

Robot: The same reason we have to kill you...uh I mean it just happend that way, yeah now lets go take you back to your room. Yeah thats it whee you'll least suspect it... : kid looks up: a new cartoon
Windcharger writes: Cerebros: Wake up, Daniel, it was just a dream.
Daniel: Oh good. It was terrible, i was the reason the Transformers went in the crapper, and everybody hated me.
Cerebros: Oh, that's what you were crying about..
CapeMike writes: Daniel: Poopiiiieeeee!!

Cerebros: ...that's it, he goes out the airlock....
Unknown writes: i cant wait until the premire of ocean's 11 hacha!
Unknown writes: TRANSFORMERS cancelled?
Unknown writes: Aaghhahahahah! AHGHGH, No God please stop its WAY to big!
Unknown writes: No Optimus! I'm not old enough!
Unknown writes: This suit's cut the circulation off @ my nutz!
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Unknown writes: How do you turn this fµ©king thing off?!
Unknown writes: Galvatron:"Hey,Cyclonus,the human won't fit
in this *&%$!! pot!!"
Cyclonus:"So use the meat mallet!"
Unknown writes: "Awww,Gaaahd! I just saw Hot Rod and Arcee
doin' the electronic nasty!! I can't stand it! I
wanna be blinded!!!"
Prime:"Get ahold of yourself! Its no worse than
Internet porn!!!"
Unknown writes: ..and now back to "When Humans Attack 3"
Unknown writes: I WANT MY DADDY!!!
Unknown writes: I WANT MY MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MEGATRON writes: See I told you Tracks' "Special Game" wasnt very pleasent!
Suzanne writes: Aw, shut up, kid, before I stuff you in Fort Max's leg!!
APOLLO writes: Cerebros:"Why the hell did I offer to baby-sit this kid."
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Optimus writes: Sorry but we have to jetison some weight.
JP writes: Hardhead: For the last time, i'm NOT gonna babysit Daniel! I'm a warrior, not a nanny!

Cerebros:Um..I'll ask Arcee to assist you?

Hardhead: Deal! Hand me that br..err child!
Unknown writes: "No, I don't wanna eat my vegetables!!!'
Unknown writes: "Honestly Daniel, you're doing the Autobot army a great favour! Not even the micromasters could crawl in and disable Megatron's Fusion cannon!"
Bombshell writes: Cerebros: How do I shut it off?
Lord Galvatron writes: AW! But I wanted to go to Toshi Station!
Unknown writes: Why did they killed me in the Wreckers comic!?!?
Daniel writes: "Its not my fault I couldnt make it to the bathroom!"
Shadowen writes: ROBOT HOLDING DANIEL: You are the weakest link. Goodbye.

DANIEL: No! It was a conspiracy! They all turned against me!
Unknown writes: Daniel, We have all agreed the universe would be a better place without you.
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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #350 - Oops! All Optimus
Twincast / Podcast #350:
"Oops! All Optimus"
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Posted: Saturday, May 18th, 2024

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